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Chen Mo

Time : Aug.04, 2016 Print

Name: Chen Mo
Chen Mo (Female), Associate Professor in Institute of West-Asian and African Studies (IWAAS), deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Association for Middle East Studies, secretary-general of the Gulf Research Center of CASS.
Bachelor of Economics was granted by Beijing Normal University in1985. Being an Assistant Research Fellow from Sept.1985 to 2001. Being an Associate Professor form 2001 to the present. From March-June 2008, being visiting scholar at International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, the Netherlands. Being visiting to Saudi Araibia, UAE, Yemen, Egypt, etc.



Major Field of Research:
Research focus is on energy security, economic of the Middle Ease and African countries.


Major Publications:
African Market Organization, Beijing,China Encyclopedia Publishing House, 1995.
Saudi Arabia, Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011.

Saudi Industrialization and Saudi-China Industrial Cooperation, West Asian and Afircan,No.6 2017.
Chen Mo,”The Transnationalization Strategy of Chinese National Oil Companies with Case Studies of Sudan and Saudi Arabia”,in Geoploitical Economy of Energy and Environaemt>,China and the European Union, the Netherlands, BRILL 2017.
Econmic Adjustment in Saudi Arabia and The Promotion of “The Belt and Road”Initiative, West Asian and Afircan,No 2,2016
Chen Mo,”Saudi Arabia low oil price strategy analysis”, in Middle East observation 2011-2016, China Democracy and Law Publishing House,2016
Chen Mo,”The Economic Adjustment of Saudi Arabia and the Docking of Bilatral Economy and Trade between China and Saudi Arabia under the “One Belt and Road”initiative”,Shanghai,in Jurnal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia),June 2016
The Impact of the Comprehensive Nuclear Agreement between Iran and China on the International Oil Market and Sino-Iranian Economic Cooperation,International Economic Cooperation,No 10,2015
Chen Mo,”An Analysis of Saudi Arabia’s Market Behavior”,in Yellow Book of the Middle East,No.17(2014-2015), Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press,2015
Iraqi nuclear agreement shock wave, International Petroleum economics, No.8,2015
Chen Mo,”Exploring Economic Relations between China and the GCC States”,in Building a New Silk Road:China and the Mddle East in the 21st Century,World affairs Press 2014.7
Chen Mo,”The Relevance of China’s 10-Year Development Guidelines for China-GCC Relations”,in,Security Dynamics of East Asia in the Gulf Region, GerlachPress Berlin, Germany 2014.8
International Management of Chinese Petroleum Enterprises: Case Studies in Sudan and Saudi Arabia,West Asian and Afircan,No.5,2014
Chen Mo,”The Transnationalization Strategy of Chinese Oil Companies:Case Studies of Sudan and Saudi Arabia”,in Perspectives of Glogal Development andTechnology,The Netherlands, Brill, 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chen Mo,”The Relevance of China’s 10-Year Development Guide lines for China-GCC Relations”, GerlachPress Berlin, Germany 2014.8
Chen Mo,”The Economic Relations Between China and the GCC Countries since 2008”,in Asia-Gulf Economic Relations in the 21st Century ,the Local to Golbal Transformation, Berlin Gerany,Gerlach Press, 2013
Chen Mo,”Energy Ties and the China-Angola Strategic Partnership Secure Oil and alternative Energy” in The Geopolitics of Energy Paths of China and the European Union , Brill 2012
New Thoughts on China’s Energy Security,West-Asia and Africa No.12, 2012
Chen Mo,”The Economic Causes and Effects of the Upheaval in the Middle East”,in Middle East Development Report, Current Affairs Press,2013
Chen Mo”The Situation in Middle East and Africa and China 's Energy Security”,in China's International Environment for Energy Security,Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2013
Chen Mo,”Middle East Energy and Energy Relations between China and Middle East Countries”,in in Yellow Book of the Middle East,No15(2012-2013),2013
Chen Mo,”Energy Ties and the China-Angola Strategic Partnership”,in Secure Oil and Alternatiive Energy_ The Geoploitics of Energy Paths of China and the European Union , LEIDEN-BOSTON ,BRILL 2012
Chen Mo,”The Causes of the Turmoil in Bahrain and Its Influence”,in Yellow Book of the Middle East,No14(2011-2012),Beijing , Social Sciences Academic Press, 2012
Chen Mo,” Saudi Arabia's "Look East" Strategic Initiatives and Implications”,in Yellow Book of the Middle East,No13(2010-2011),Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011
Chen Mo,”On Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia”,in China -- Symposium on Arab Countries Economic and Trade Forum Proceedings,Yinchuan, Ningxia People's Publishing House,2011
Chen Mo,”The Impact of Financial Crises on Saudi Arabia and the Countermeasures”,in  The Report for development of Middle East and Africa April , , Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011
《China’s Oil Supply Strategy: The Case of Saudi-Arabia and Sudan》,<The Golbalization of Energy _China and the European Union>, LEIDEN-BOSTON, BRILL, 2010
Chen Mo,”The Impact of Financial Crisis on the Economic Situation in Middle East”,in Yellow Book of the Middle East, No.12(2009-2010),Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2010
OPEC 's Policy to Reduce Output and Promote Prices and Its Prospect, International Petroleum Economy,No.11,2008
Review of the new EU Mediterranean policy ,West-Asia and Africa No11. 2007
OPEC Oil Price Policy and China 's Energy Security, West-Asia and Africa,No.4,2005
Chen Mo,”Middle East Petroleum Export and OPEC Market Strategy”,in Yellow Book of the Middle East(2004-2005),2005,Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005
Chen Mo,”Oil and Saudi Arabia economy”, in ew Theory of Gulf Oil, Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2001
On International Oil Price and Middle East Contract Market, West-Asia and Africa No5,2001
Chen Mo,“Commodity economy of African countries”, in a contribution to The theory and practice of economic development in developing countries,Beijing, China Finance Publishing House, 1992.
Chen Mo,”The Impact of Import Alternative Development Strategy on Agriculture in Africa”,in nternational experience of reforming traditional agriculture, China Renmin University Press,1992
Chen Mo, “The import and export in African countries” contributed to Grand Sight of International Market “,in China Development Publishing House,1991.
Chen Mo,”African countries import and export trade”,in Grand view of the international market, China Development Press,1991