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Zhang Yongpeng

Time : Nov.02, 2018 Print

Name:Zhang Yongpeng
Title: PHD., Senior Research Fellow/Professor
Resume:He has paid academic visits or as a visiting scholar in the universities especially in South Africa, Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya and the UK, the US, Australia, Belgium, etc. Having handed in research reports on China-Africa relations to the Chinese Government’s departments such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of National Security, etc.. Having been engaged in the broadcasting programs of the Chinese Central Television Station and broadcasting stations; writing articles on Africa for the Chinese newspapers and magazines.


Major field of Research:

relations between African countries and the global powers;

relations between African countries;

China-Africa relations;

international assistance to Africa.


Academic membership:
Member of the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies;
Member of the Chinese Society of Asia and Africa;
Member of Asia-Africa Development & Exchange Society of China;
Professor of the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Major publications in recent years:
-- A Comparative Study on Chinese and Western Aid to Africa, (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2012 )
-- Neo-liberalism and the Development of African Countries, in Yang Guang, Wang Zheng, Zhang Hongming ed., Marxism and the Issues of West Asia and Africa Countries’ Development Roads, Chinese Social Science Press, 2017.
-- Security Cooperation between UK and Africa: Route, Feature and Enlightenment, West Asia and Africa, Vol. 4, 2014.
-- China-Africa Relations Benefiting the International Position of Africa, Review of Asia and Africa, Vol. 6, 2014.   
-- Evaluating Japan’s Influence in Africa, Report for the Project of China-Africa Joint Research Exchange Program, FOCAC, 2014.
-- The UK-Africa Relations: Growing Comprehensive and Pragmatic, in Zhang Hongming ed., Annual Report on Development in Africa, No. 16 (2013-2014), Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2014.
-- Intervention and Cooperation: Diverse Images of the Relations between Africa and the Big Powers, in Zhang Hongming ed., Annual Report on Development in Africa, No. 15 (2012-2013), Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2013.
-- The TICAD V and Japan’s Africa Strategy, Review of Asia and Africa, Vol. 5, 2013.
-- Evolution of International Assistance Theory and Challenges of International Aid to Africa, Review of Asia and Africa, Vol. 4, 2012.